If you are planning a vacation, the first thing you need to do is set a budget, especially if you have a large family or money is generally tight in your household. 1. Spreadsheets and Templates The basics of vacation budgeting can be calculated on a spreadsheet if you wish. It is useful for adding things up if you use the formulas on the spreadsheet. Here is a handy spreadsheet already set ... view the post
Safety Tips When Traveling on a Motorcycle
Motorcycles are a fun and efficient way of traveling. But, did you know that they're more dangerous than a car? A study conducted by the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety revealed that motorcyclists are thirty times more likely to die in a crash than people in a car, and roughly half of all motorcycle fatalities are the result of one-vehicle crashes. However, don't let these statistics prevent you from enjoying a ride on your day off. ... view the post
Keeping Kids Busy on a Trip
Going on vacation is an exciting thing for the whole family. What is not always fun, however, is the journey. When you are on your way and everyone is having difficulty being patient, it can seem like everyone has trouble waiting to get there. How can you keep your kids busy on a trip, no matter whether it is by vehicle, train, airplane or any other form? Creative Supplies Bring along the basics such as coloring books, crayons, paper and ... view the post
Safety Tips When Going on a Cruise
Booking a cruise is a wonderful option if you're looking for an all-inclusive vacation choice. The majority of food and entertainment is included in the purchase price. When you step foot on a cruise ship, it's like you're stepping into your own floating city. Before you sail, it's important to brush up on the best ways to stay safe on the ship. Unfortunately, there's no way to completely prevent crime at sea. However, by taking the following ... view the post